Band 74: Central and Eastern Europe

Burkhard Olschowsky, Piotr Juszkiewicz, Jan Rydel (Eds.)
Central and Eastern Europe after the First World War
In collaboration with the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
2021. 435 Seiten, zahlreiche farbige Abb.
ISBN 978-3-11-059715-8, €34,95.
ISBN (E-book) 9783110757378.
In den ersten Jahren nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg verdichteten sich in Mittel- und Osteuropa politische, militärische, kulturelle, soziale und wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen in besonderem Maße. Der Band nimmt zum einen die Bemühungen in den Blick, eine internationale Friedensordnung zu schaffen und bisher unterdrückten Nationen zur Emanzipation zu verhelfen. Zum anderen beleuchtet er die Formen politischen Revisionismus und territorialer Ansprüche, die vielerorts mit Gewalt einhergingen und eine Fortsetzung des Krieges unter veränderten Bedingungen waren.
The quinquennium after World War I (1918-1923) was a time of turmoil, when political, military, cultural, social, and economic developments cumulated in Eastern Europe. On the one hand, this was a period shaped by various efforts to establish international structures for peace-keeping and to consolidate the emancipation of nations previously under imperial domination. Yet it also featured political revisionism, territorial claims, and a level of violence that continued the war in many places and ways, albeit under modified conditions. Political decision-makers sought to protect the emerging nation states from radical political utopias, but were confronting a social and economic crisis, managing the reconstruction of the many extensively devastated landscapes and towns, and providing war victims with social welfare and support. A dynamic of new developments also flourished in these years, changes that engendered the emancipation of women, new intellectual trends, and a broad cultural awakening. In this volume, a comprehensive introduction is followed by short and in-depth scholarly articles and a variety of images to stimulate the remembrance of this formative period for Eastern Europe.
The Editors: Foreword
Burkhard Olschowsky, Piotr Juszkiewicz, Jan Rydel: Introduction
Jay Winter: The Second Great War, 1917-1923
History of Conflicts
Jochen Böhler: The Central European Civil War, 1918-1921
Ibolya Murber: How the Habsburg Monarchy, Austria and Hungary Were Drawn into the Russian October Revolution Between 1917 and 1919
Rastko Lompar: 'The Red Scare' in Yugoslavia: The Hungarian Soviet Republic and the Beginning of the Yugoslav Anti-Communism 1919-1921
Attila Simon: Internationalism or National Separatism. The Relationship Between Košice Social Democracy and Czechoslovakia 1918-1919
Wolfgang Templin: Charades at Versailles: Poland and the Ukraine at the Paris Peace Conferences
History of Ideas
Burkhard Olschowsky: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Woodrow Wilson on the Self-Determination of Nations
Marco Bresciani: Between Nation and Empire: The Post-Habsburg Adriatic Question and the Fascist Idea of Europe 1919-1922
Piotr Juszkiewicz: Modernism and War. The Idea of Regeneration in European Art and Architecture after World War I
Territorial History
Arnold Suppan: Cuius Regio Eius Natio. Arguments to Legitimise Territorial Claims Against Austria
László Szarka: The Options for a Negotiated Peace in the Danube Region: Hungary and Neighbouring Countries after the 1918 Aster Revolution
Andreea Dăncilă: The Dynamic of Post-War Political Structures in Multi-Ethnic Regions: Transylvania at the End of 1918
Marcela Sǎlǎgean: New Beginnings in Romanian Political Life after the World War I
Beka Kobakhidze: The Vulnerability of a Small Post-Colonial State: Georgia's International Prospects in 1918
Economic and Social History
Maciej Górny/ Włodzimierz Borodziej: Post-World War I East-Central Europe: Fiscal and Monetary Policies in a Time of Economic Transformation
Oliver Schulz: Between Social and Economic Crisis, Between Revisionism and Political Radicalisation: Bulgaria After the First World War 1918/19-1923
Andrei Zamoiski: 'Peasants Wait for Them with Hope': The Civil War in Belarusian Province 1918-1922
Alexis Hofmeister: The Years of 1918-1923 as a Transformative Period of Jewish Politics
Psychological Consequences of the War
Marek Syrný: Slovak Politics and Society on the Brink of 1918-1919
Joanna Urbanek: Unprocessed Trauma. Polish Medicine in the Face of Psychiatric Injury in the Era of the Great War
Karolina Łabowicz-Dymanus: Women's Fight for Civil, Social and Political Rights in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland
History of Memory
Bartosz Dziewanowski-Stefańczyk: The Creation of New Politics of Memory as a Consequence of a State's Rebirth: A Case Study of Poland in the First Postwar Years
Vasilius Safronovas: The Non-Overshadowed Experiences of the Great War and Their Manifestation in Lithuania, 1914-1926
Florin Abraham: Did the Great War End? Memory and Memorialization of the First World War in Romania
Timeline of military and diplomatic events in Europe, 1914-1924
Timeline of political events in Central and Eastern Europe, 1917-1923
Image Credits
Index of places
Index of persons