White, but not quite. Is there anti-Eastern European racism?

Kulturzentrum PFL
Peterstraße 3
26121 Oldenburg
Racism against people from Eastern Europe has long been a blind spot in research and activist debates. This has been changing for a few years now, with people from Eastern Europe increasingly demanding recognition of their experiences. A milestone on this path was Ivan Kalmar's book “White, but not quite” (2023). Kalmar describes how people from Central and Eastern Europe are described as “not quite white” and how authoritarian governments, for example in Hungary, use the categories of ‚race‘ and ‚whiteness‘ for their own agenda.
Ivan Kalmar is Professor in the Department of Anthropology and at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto. He has written widely on ‘race’, religion, and politics, including in Central Europe. In conversation with Hans-Christian Petersen (BKGE), he will present his book, talk about anti-Eastern European racism and discuss it with the audience.
- BKGE Oldenburg
- Arbeitskreis Koloniale Kontinuitäten Oldenburg
- Deutsch-Polnische Gesellschaft Oldenburg